Top Books of 2020: 8 Fantastic Recommendations From a Homeschool Mom
This post shares my top eight books from the past year – the ones that stood out the most from all my reading as being the best of the best!
It was a hard year in many ways, but a good year for reading. I finished 77 books, some old favorites and some completely new to me, and here, in no particular order, are my favorites!

– Reading Magic by Mem Fox
I’ve read many books about reading and children, and reading to children, and this one stood out to me as one of the best.
– Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
He wasn’t my favorite writer, but it’s an important issue for parents and children today, and I appreciated the suggestions and solutions he offered as well as the research showing vast benefits to outdoor time.
– The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson
A fascinating account of one short but important time period in history. I hope to read more history and biographies this year!
– Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras
Books like this tend to be overly dramatic and doomsday-ish, and this one feels that way a bit, but at the same time I can’t say that he’s wrong. It’s an important issue for parents today to read and think carefully about.
– Atomic Habits by James Clear
It’s a bestseller for a reason, I guess! I also signed up for his weekly newsletter which is surprisingly good.
– How Children Learn by John Holt
I actually read three books by Holt this year and they were good and challenging to me. He leans more towards the unschooling side of education – and I don’t – but I learned so much from his writings. He has a remarkably deep sense of respect and appreciation for children.
– Open Borders by Bryan Caplan
Some of my favorite books I read are not ones that I agree with completely, but those that cause me to see an issue from a new perspective. John Holt’s books did that for me, and this one did also. I also loved that he speaks respectfully towards those who disagree and addresses their concerns without condescension.
– Breaking Bread with the Dead by Alan Jacobs
Jacobs is a new author (for me) and both of his books I read this year were great. This one motivated me to seek out some more variety in my reading than I normally would choose.
There you have it! Check them out if it’s a topic that interests you… and please drop me a note with any books that you enjoyed last year, so I can add them to my list for 2021!
Originally written January 19 2021