
19 Fantastic Homeschool Book Lists for 2024 (that any family will love)

Most homeschoolers cannot resist a good book. An engaging book, that a friend has loved and recommended, perhaps with gorgeous art work or beautiful language, or sometimes even both? YES PLEASE sign me up right now and take all my money. We spend a lot of time reading to our kids, and when you plan to do this every day for 18+ years, you need a library-full of book recommendations to keep you going! So, to set you up for the rest of the summer and the coming school year, here’s a collection of all my blog posts containing homeschool book lists (which truly could be used and loved by any family), plus some wonderful lists from other bloggers (used with their permission), and one bonus resource that I promise you’ll love, if you don’t already. Let’s dive in!

photo collage of blog posts from the curious schoolhouse

From My Blog: Posts Containing Book Lists

  1. American history picture books: this one includes a total of 57 picture books that all relate to the themes from Classical Conversations Cycle 3, including human anatomy, fine arts, math, American geography, and of course American history. Even if you are not a part of Classical Conversations you will love these books for your children!
  2. Classical Conversations Cycle 2 topics: again, this list contains 21 excellent picture books that correlate with topics from Cycle 2, but truly any family could enjoy them at any time. These books are all related to astronomy, great artists, orchestra, and the middle ages.
  3. Best books for babies + toddlers: this list contains 28 books that were well-loved favorites of our babies and toddlers, plus my reasons for giving books at baby showers (and why you should too!).
  4. Books for homeschooling moms: I wrote this list in 2020, and it has 10 fabulous books for homeschooling moms that were my favorite at that time. Since then, I have added to my book list for moms, but *stage whisper* my new-and-improved one is only for subscribers. Sign up here to snag it right now!
  5. Wordless picture books: have you ever tried wordless picture books with your children? They are more fun than you might expect! This list has 12 of our favorite ones.
  6. Books about technology and/or screen free parenting: maybe it’s a morbid curiosity, but I am mildly addicted to reading books about how screens are ruining childhoods and destroying ALL CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT. Okay, yes, that’s a slight exaggeration, and the true picture is much more complex. However, if you too are curious about how your family should approach technology, this list has 8 great books that might help you out.
  7. Favorite chapter books to read aloud: this list is a compilation of our 35 favorite books that I have (or my husband has) read aloud to our children. I’ve also organized them by difficulty so that you can find just the right book for your family to enjoy together!
six books in a stack on a bookshelf
Life of a bookaholic – here’s what I’m reading at the moment. Little bits, here and there… IYKYK!

Book Lists from Other Blogging Friends

Now this was exciting: I was able to reach out to some other blogging friends to ask if they had any book lists that I could include here, and I received so many great ideas to share! I’ve been in a bit of a reading rut lately, and sometimes when that happens, all we need is a few recommendations from a friend to pique our interest and get us back in the groove again. Here are even more homeschool book lists (that aren’t just for homeschoolers), and I hope as you scan through them you will find something new and interesting for your own family!

  1. Pine & Prospect Home has a list of “Five Books that Changed Me As a Mother,” plus a fun video where she talks about each one! Amazingly, I have only read two of the books on that list, so I’m excited to add the others to my own list for future reading.
  2. Heartwood Holler has a lovely post on “The Benefits of Reading Aloud and Why It’s Important” which includes lists of favorite books for younger kids, family read alouds, independent reads for older kids, and even a couple audio books.
  3. Keeper of Our Home has a post on “Best Books for Stay At Home Moms” with 7 great book recommendations – plus she gives some advice on finding time to read (which I think we all agree can be difficult to do)!
  4. Anne Pisacano has a beautiful post full of “Book Reviews” which include PICTURES of the books and detailed reviews for each one! I love that they are all fiction for moms (my own reading is too non-fiction heavy right now) and I can’t wait to read through these and pick out a few more to try.
  5. Fox Farm Home has a lovely post with “14 Beautiful Butterfly Books for Kids” and they look like so much fun! We are big butterfly fans over here, so I will definitely have to look for some of these at our local library.
  6. Mom on a Mission has a list of “6 Survival Stories for Children” and I think my boys (especially) would love some of these! I could see any outdoorsy/camping/exploring-type families enjoying all of these books.
  7. Silo and Sage has an incredible selection of excellent book lists! Scroll down this extensive page and you will see (I counted them) at least 18 different posts with book recommendations that all look wonderful. Way to share the book love! *insert applause*
  8. Our Gabled Home has a post with “7 Homestead Kitchen Books I Love in 2024” and because I know nothing about homesteading – but it sounds so magical, doesn’t it? – I am very curious to read some of these. I also appreciate that she shares why she chose each book and what she loves about it!
  9. The Flourishing Little House has a list of “Best Bedtime Books for Toddlers” and it is a sweet collection of 10 gentle books that you could read before bed. I love that she shares a peek into their bedtime routine also!
  10. The Bookwise Mom has a list of “Top 5 Best Books on Biblical Womanhood to Encourage Growth” and I haven’t read any of these ones either, so I will be adding some to my own list. This is a newer blog and I’m looking forward to seeing what other book lists she shares in the future!
  11. The Bluebonnet Farmhouse has a READING CHALLENGE, if you need some motivation! Her challenge is for readers to complete ONE book a month, for a year – and she includes a fun list of recent reads she has enjoyed.

One Last Bonus Resource For Homeschool Book Lists

You probably already know about this one, but just in case you don’t, I feel the need to share it with you all. Sarah Mackenzie and the Read Aloud Revival team have an amazing collection of book lists which I visit at least once every other week, if not more. Her podcast is also wonderful and she has two excellent books she’s written! Plus, I was forced into had the pleasure of meeting her at a homeschool convention last March and she is just as sweet in person as she appears to be on her podcast. If my smile looks a bit manic in this photo, it’s because I was not emotionally prepared to chitchat with Famous Homeschool Celebrities (introvert vibes are strong over here) but my dear friend dragged me over there anyways. And then in the end I was glad she did. Don’t we all need friends like that?

two homeschool moms together

Whew! This was a lot of books. I think I am set for the next year – how about you?

Finally, if you need a reminder of why we spend so much time reading to our children, here are my 21 Reasons to Read Aloud. I do not exaggerate when I say it is the most powerful thing we do in our homeschool! And the beauty of reading is that wherever your family is on the schooling spectrum, whether you are committed to Always and Only Homeschool or swear that you Will Never Homeschool So Help Me God, stories can draw your family together in a way that will surprise and delight you.

“Stories lodge themselves into the corners and crevices of our hearts and minds, never to be forgotten, delivering timeless lessons like a wise old friend who accompanies us throughout our lives. There is quite possibly no better tool for imparting knowledge than great stories.”

Ainsley Arment, The Call of the Wild + Free

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